Some items have postage included in the price and some items have free postage. This will be mentioned in the listing.
If you bought more than one item and they are from different listings and postage is included in the price you may have paid too much. Postage will be worked out after the item is packed and a refund of the difference will be sent if applicable.
I do my best to keep postage costs as low as possible. For some items I have worked out a way of packing my glass so that it is flat and can be posted via Royal Mail large letter.
Some items are too large or delicate for 1st Class large letter so they will be sent as a parcel which costs more but I do this to protect the glass. In this instance I can add more items for the same postage cost.
If you buy more than two or three items I may need to build a small parcel.
Please also note that a large letter weighing over 100g costs more than under 100g.
Because I make items that have great variation on size and weight and it is imperitive I pack my work well so that it does not break in transit, sometimes this can take extra packaging and time which is reflected in the cost.
If you have any further questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to email me: