Welcome to the first release of my urban bird series of glass paintings. I want to share with you my amazement at the resilience and adaptability of urban birds. They are often overlooked yet they are beautiful creatures, and they surround us.
In this exhibition I have focused on those that we walk past every day and which we take for granted. They are sometimes vilified but I think they are fascinating in the way they put up with humans and live amongst us. What can we learn from them? How can we adapt to change and become more resilient to life’s inevitable hardships?
Are You A Resilient Pigeon?
Transparent glass painting
Are You A Resilient Pigeon?
Framed transparent glass painting.
22cm x 22cm
Are You A Resilient Pigeon?
Transparent glass painting.
F the T.
Opaque glass painting
Resilient Pigeon - Gang of Five
Framed opaque glass painting.
30cm x 30cm
Are You A Reslient Pigeon?
Framed transparent glass painting.
50cm x 50cm
For more information about this work please email me robyn@robyncoetzee.co.uk